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1700+ Scenes from over 200 Movies

An archive of all of our movies and scenes 5 years after they have premiered on TIMPASS. Watch the original Treasure Island Media fuck flicks featuring legendary studs. Available standalone or with TIMPASS+

1700+ Scenes from over 200 Movies

Content added monthly!

  • An archive of all of our movies and scenes 5 years after they have premiered on TIMPASS
  • Watch the original Treasure Island Media fuck movies featuring legendary studs
  • Available standalone or with TIMPASS+

With the release of each of my videos, the goal has been to present glimpses from the vast world of male sex, the incredible range that men have when they move into deep connection with each other. I believe that it’s through sex that men create the very language that expresses who and what they are. When men fuck, they do so with everything they’ve got: their fears, their anger, their passion and pure desire.

In this epic third volume of Breeding Season, I’ve chosen men who exemplify this range of sexual eloquence. Some of the scenes are already controversial (yeah, I’m used to that) because they depict the depths of real submission and the brazen towering dominance of man’s sexual nature

So watch this video and take it—every moment of it—very seriously. Watch carefully and you’ll see the world that opens through male sex: power, submission, hubris, innocence, love, ego-death, bliss. Watch it while you goon out on your fat turgid dick; watch it while you fuck a buddy; watch it while your neighbor sucks you off. You will recognize yourself in every single gesture, every expression and act and orgasm in Breeding Season 3.

Each man, after all, is all men.

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