Jasc Fucks Valmot
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This scene is a matter of lust and chemistry and both are in high, high overdrive. Yeah, JASC has a fine, thick, throbber-of-a-fucktool. But it’s bottom-boy VALMOT who is the thrill-ride here. His body, his character, his handsome mug and, above all, his small but fat rump -- all make any top within a square mile of him want to slide in and pump hard.
VALMOT would be a victim of his ass’s allure if the damn thing weren’t so hungry. If you watch close, you’ll see his face stays calm and relaxed while his ass-magnetism pulls him down into a hot-blooded Latin lust-abyss.
Like I said: there’s some serious chemistry between JASC and VALMOT. The two connect deep, and you can tell this could be the start of a relationship. JASC plows him good and hard, and with affection. In a few shots you can almost see little cartoon hearts circling around their heads.
But a hole like VALMOT’s has a fucking mind of its own and it could never -- but never -- settle for a single dick. At one point our helpless innocent cameraman gets a gander of that pouting Mexicano hole, whips out his dick and -- pronto! -- plugs and squirts inside VALMOT. Big-hearted whore that he is, VALMOT then gives JASC more of everything he's got, including a steaming hole full of cameraman spunk.